Sunday, October 11, 2009

We Are Home

Arrived home safely although early. Things didn't totally work out as we had planned for our Kentucky trip and we decided home was the best place to be. We drove straight through and of course wound up in Atlanta at 5:00 pm. Fortunately we never got tied up in stopped traffic but it was very slow moving in several places.

Becasue of observance days and rain on the other days we only got in a short amount of motorcycle ride time in the mountains. On our first mountain ride (Jim drove!) we took our favorite route from Becknerville (which is where we stay) back down the mountain to the main highway and back up and on a side road we had never traveled. The road from Becknerville follows the Kentucky river and is super rural. Beautiful farms, trees, river ... The side road was much the same just without the river. It was fun, scarry, and exhilirating all at the same time. No Tiffany, we did not ride on Log Lick Road.

The weather was sensational (we could have done without the rain but oh well)! Temperatures during the day in the low to mid 70's and at night into the low to mid 40's. Some of the days were windy and felt colder but we bundled up or found places to get out of the wind and enjoyed the day. One night we went to bed it was 65 degrees and when we woke up it was 45 degrees. Quite a drop. A couple of nights Jim got chilled and we had trouble warming him up - I told him that is a side effect of the weight loss. Nights he could sit by the campfire and drosh with the guys were really good for him. The guys would sit by the campfire almost all night (and they say women talk a lot).

We got to reconnect with old friends and catch up on their families and of course made new friends.  Since we were the first to arrive in camp we got to witness everyone else arriving. It was fun to listen to the little girls scream with glee when they realized their friends had arrived. The boys were excited in their own ways but the girls were the cutest.  The kids played endlessly. I heard one little girl just crying her heart out one night when daddy said it was time to go on to bed. Through her tears she kept saying "it's not fair, it's not fair" and I'm sure daddy's heart was breaking but he knew she was already exhausted and needed a bit more rest. And, we were asked to use the electric hand blowers to dry our hands to save on paper towels. One afternoon while I was in the bathroom and washing my hands I turned to the electric dryer to dry and a little girl (she's probably 6) said to me I should be using the paper towels. I reminded her we needed to use the electric dryer to save the paper and she said "but don't you realize how many CO2s you release in the air when you use electricity?" Her daddy said she didn't think of those when she gets the spray cans of deodrant and air freshner going!  The little ones are learning and even though they may get the words wrong they are at least listening. Kite flying, unicycles, skateboards, scooters, volleyball and the playground were all favorites.

It was still too early for leaf change. The reds were very prominent and the yellows were coming on. Surprisingly enough there was more color in Tennessee than in Kentucky. As we drove south the temperatures rose considerably. By the time we were in Atlanta the temperature was up to 85 and stayed that way all the way home. Then of course the temperatures back in the high 90's here at home. We're liking the fall cast to the shadows here at home but we are looking for some of the cooler temperatures to go along with that.
It's always good to get away and always good to get home.

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